Helping You Navigate Business and Career with Confidence

Leadership & Executive Coaching

Professional Effectiveness Coaching for Leaders, Executives and High Performing Business Professionals

Do you want to learn how to achieve the best possible results in any given situation more efficiently and with less stress, worry and waste in time money and effort? Well you can. All you have to do is learn, understand and adopt the science, psychology, principles, skills and strategies of optimal effectiveness. Here's the exciting thing, they are easy to learn and understand and are straight forward to implement. What's more, you will see immediate improvements as soon as you start applying what you learn.

Learn How To Navigate the Corporate Landscape With Skill by Adopting the Science Psychology, Principles, Skills and Strategies of Optimal Effectiveness.

"Hi, I'm Jim O'Connor, psychotherapist, performance development coach and creator of the Optimal  Effectiveness Framework.  I help Leaders, Executives, Business owners, and Aspiring Professionals, achieve better results, more easily, by understanding and adopting the science, psychology, skills and strategies of optimal effectiveness. 

I will show you how to define and then master the executive skill set.  I'll teach you everything you need to learn but didn't have time to learn at business school, university or college.  Everything from becoming personally confident, resilient and effective, to making your relationships work for you not against you to team, development, leadership and cultural development. 

Optimal effectiveness is the science and art of maximizing  performance throughout your business in your given situation using the least resources and time, money and effort.  It's the science, psychology, principles skills and strategies that you need to know to achieve the best best possible results from yourself, and your people by maximizing synchronicity, flow and eliminating obstacles and roadblocks to performance. 

In other words I will teach you the psychology, skills and strategies that research shows will make you and your people highly effective at navigating the challenges you face every day.



The Optimal Effectiveness Framework

The Optimal Effectiveness Framework defines and teaches you everything you need to learn to master the executive skill set.  It teaches you how to become personally resilient and effective. It teaches you how to make your relationships work for you and not against you as you navigate the political, social and relational corporate landscape.  It teaches you how to develop a highly effective team.  It does all this with the singular intention of teaching you how to become a masterful leader capable of growing thriving business and culture.  

Don't look any further for your professional development needs, The Optimal Effectiveness Framework is simple to understand, follow and implement and has everything you need in one place. If you want to make success both personally and professionally without losing your soul to the corporate machine then give us a call and find out how the Optimal Effectiveness Framework and Training and Development Programs can help.   



Learn the how to be personally effective, confident and capable no matter how difficult the situation you find yourself in. Discover what to do and how to do it with confidence.


Learn how to make your relationships work for you, not against you no matter who you're working with.  Learn to manage conflict, creating solutions where others fail.


Learn how to build high performance teams improving motivation, synchronicity, flow and productivity. Do this be learning how to build a team everyone enjoys being a part of.


Learn to grow a culture of optimal performance that drives engagement and cooperation, unlocking the full capacity of your people and untapped talent within your teams.


Learn to be more influential and more confident in delivering the plan. Learn how to inspire, engagement, cooperation and investment in realizing the vision.

For the Aspiring Executive and Business Professional.

If you are starting out in career and you want to enjoy the confidence of knowing what to do and how to do it in any given situation;  or if your aspirational and you want to navigate/accelerate your success;  learning the psychology, principles, skills and strategies of optimal effectiveness is a must. You'll learn how to get the best out of yourself and your people in the simplest most effective ways possible.

For the Established Executive and Business Professional.

If you are an established executive and your having problems in one or two areas of your career we can use a targeted approach to help you identify what you need to know and do to overcome your challenges.  We will use the optimal performance framework to quickly identify the root cause of your concerns.  We'll also use a simple strategy for identifying the principles, skills and strategies that will resolve them.  Then once you know what to do and how to do it we will help you implement your new skills until they become second nature.

For the HR Professional Wanting To Develop the Talent.

If you are a HR professional and you're looking for talent development programs I can help.  I will design a program based on your requirements that will suit your needs.  I will then develop the program.  I will also provide you with feed back and measurements that will enable you to track results and ensure you're getting the outcomes you're after. 


Cultural Transformation

Do you want to transform your team or even your organizations culture, making it more energetic and productive and effective?  If so I can help.  Using the Optimal Effectiveness Framework in conjunction with our Culture Transformation strategy I will put together for you a program that will help you take your culture from where it is to where it needs to be.   

David Boldeman National Sales Manager, Allure Media

I and members of my team have been working with Jim O’Connor for over 3 years. Jim has helped me turn some of the most challenging relationships into mutually beneficial and effective ones. His self assessment tool helps people focus on key areas they need to develop. Jim’s knowledge of relationships and communication makes him a highly effective business coach who delivers positive outcomes.

Sarah Bennett APAC Sales Finance Director

Jim’s direct and honest approach was exactly what I needed. Jim’s knowledge and quick understanding of circumstances ensured I was able to achieve results quickly and long term. Every now and I then I pop back to see Jim to to discuss progress and achievement and it’s amazing the difference he can make.

Andy Rootes ANZ Channels Manager

Jim has been working as my professional business coach and mentor for several months now. Jim has helped me work on a wide range of personal skills, but specifically:

  • Thinking more creatively
  • Better understanding and managing people
  • Effective Influence
  • Effective Problem Solving
  • Effective Communication

I cannot recommend Jim highly enough. Go on, give Jim a go!


1. Personalized One to One Coaching

2. Tailored Group Coaching

3. The Master Class Program



Choose Your Preferred Option

A tailored approach for all your training and development needs

We provide three options for your training and development needs.  Personalized one to one coaching for a targeted approach and fast results.  This can be at your location or at ours.  We also provide tailored group coaching for small right through to large teams or groups. Finally, we offer the Executive Development Master Class a program that teaches you all the critical executives skills and strategies for navigating the corporate landscape successfully.

Read through the descriptions below and choose which approach suits you best then simply give us a call to discuss any questions you have.  Then once your satisfied book in and let's get started.

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Personalized One to one Coaching For Quick Results

The fastest way to eliminate the obstacles to your effectiveness and to improve your capabilities is to work one to one with an experienced coach

Personalized One to One Coahcing

Get right to the heart of the matter quickly, work on what matters most so you can see improvements immediately.

One to one personalized coaching is the simplest and most efficient way for you or your key people to learn how to maximize your personal and interpersonal effectiveness. In this program, you will learn how to achieve the best performance from yourself even in very difficult situations. You will learn how to successfully navigate the very complex problems that you face every day using advanced strategies. You will learn how to build complementary relationships and work with difficult people. Your leadership skills will improve, your authority, and influence will improve. Your confidence will grow as you start to get better results more efficiently. What's more you will also save a lot of time, money, effort, simultaneously reducing stress, worry and pressure.

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Tailored Group Coaching

Develop your key talent in a tailored group coaching program. Learn from each other, develop team cohesion, improve synchronicity and engagement, through a tailored group coaching program.

Tailored Group Coaching, The Ideal Approach For Developing Your High Potential People

Learn the personal and interpersonal and leadership skills and strategies you must have to achieve better results from yourself and the people you lead.

Tailored group coaching has long been understood to be the best way to develop the skills and strategies of high potential people. It is also well know to be the best way to develp the capabilities of leadership groups and teams of executives. The benefits of learning together with and from others, range from massively improved group cohesion and cooperation to a multi-dimensional learning environment as everyone shares their understandings and insights. This program can be easily tailored to the specific learning needs of you and or your people.

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Improve the Performance Of Your Business by Developing the Effectiveness of Your Key People in a Tailored Group Coaching Environment.

The best way to develop your personal and interpersonal skills as well as develop confidence, capability and cohesion is to develop those skills and strategies in a group coaching environment. It is the best place to practice, experiment and learn in the safety of the class room and group

The Professional Effectiveness Master Class

Learn How to Navigate the Corporate Landscape Easily and Effectively

The Professional Effectiveness Master class, will teach you the simplest, quickest and most effective ways to master leadership, maximize growth and performance, and navigate the corporate landscape easily and successfully. You'll learn how to achieve results that others don't consider possible. You'll learn how to tackle any problem your faced with with confidence and capability. What's more you will learn to do all of this with less stress, and waste in time money and effort. This program is the only program that covers all the personal and interpersonal effectiveness skills leaders need to make navigating life and career as fulfilling and satisfying and successful as it can be.


Find Out More Here

Learn the Advanced, Personal and Interpersonal Skills Leaders, Executives and Business Professionals Must Have If they Want to Achieve the Best Results More Effectively

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Achieve better, faster, easier, results, with less stress and waste in time, money, effort, pressure and conflict.

Join The Master Class

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Why Work With Us

We've worked with hundreds of Leaders, Executives and High Potential People

We will teach you how to master the executive skill set, build your own personal effectiveness and interpersonal effectiveness skills and strategies so you can make navigating the corporate landscape successfully; simple, straightforward and effective


Find Out More Here.

Click the link below and book a free 20 minute consultation to discuss how we can help.

Why work with us?

In recent years, Jim and his team have become increasingly well recognised by leading Australian executives, as someone who is expert at helping them get the best out of themselves and the people they lead.  He will work with you until you get the job done.

He has more than a decade of practical experience working with business owners, entrepreneurs, career professional, executives and leaders from small to medium enterprises right through to large global organizations.  He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience you just can’t get anywhere else that will see you achieve both personal and professional success. Jim and the team really do know what they are talking about. Better yet, each one of our programs has been developed in-house and is based on this experience and is combined with current research into the field of optimizing the performance of leaders and their teams.

Much of what we can do for you and your company cannot be found in a business manual. Instead, every package is tailored to the needs you have and is focused on bringing about long-term change. Our passion and enthusiasm is prevalent in everything we do. This is the reason we achieve such lasting success, time and time again.

Effective, Principles, Skills and Strategies for Complex problems.


Our Success Stories


We've helped leadership teams and other business professionals from start ups to large global enterprises across many industries, overcome complex people and cohesion problems effectively

We have worked with leaders and their teams from small start ups to large global businesses in banking, finance, arts, media, sport achieve greater success more easily by teaching them the science, psychology, and helping them master the skills and strategies of optimal performance. We have helped business owners, leaders, managers and their leadership groups become confident, capable and effective at maximizing growth and performance efficiently with the least waste in time, money and effort. Using a top down inside out approach, starting with the leadership group we help business maximize growth by growing a culture of optimal performance throughout their organization.

Weather we work one to one, small groups or across your organization we have helped hundreds of leaders and their teams master the craft of leadership and highly effective performance.

Case Studies

This was the problem. This is how we fixed it.

We helped a small start up hedge fund grow from 30 million in management to 330 million in 2 years by helping the leadership develop a culture of optimal performance throughout their team that enhanced engagement, improved performance and accelerated grwoth.

We began by interviewing the leadership team.  Assessing their strengths and weaknesses and then designing a competency based training program based on the results of their assessments.  We then taught them the science, psychology, skills and strategies of optimal performance that were most relevent to their needs.  We supported them as they implemented their strategy.

The performance of any company is dependent on the performance of the individuals who run the company, whether they hold Leadership positions or not.

We helped the senior management of a large media company identify and resolve confusion and conflict which had been preventing decisions from being made, causing stress and resentment, preventing productivity and seriously hurting the bottom line.

We did this first interviewing the leadership team, understanding and identifying the cause of their concerns then by teaching the science, psychology skills and strategies of optimal communication, conflict resolution and collaboration we were able to eliminate the conflict and confusion, improve cohesion and transform the ability of the leadership to collaborate

We designed and delivered an Executive Performance Master Class Series for leadership potential people in a large international merchant bank.  

The program helped the participants learn all they needed to know and do to achieve greater performance through enhanced collaboration, communication, problem solving and influencing strategies. 

The content of the programs were built on the science, psychology skills and strategies of optimal performance. 

The results were better than we had hoped.  Participants improved across all 5 critical performance areas and become more confident, more capable and more effective at delivering better, faster, more efficient results with less stress and waste in time,  money and effort.


If you want to develop the capability of your key people give us a call

If you want to realize your businesses full potential,  if you want to develop a culture of optimal performance so your business can grow and thrive you need to develop the personal effectiveness, relationship cooperation, team cohesion, leader influence of the people who run the business using a targeted, easy to implement process.  If you'd like to find out more about how we can help call us on

9003 0920

If you want to become confident capable and highly effective without losing your soul to the corporate machine we can teach you how.  If you want to know what to do and how to do it in every situation we can we can teach you how. Great leaders know how to get the best out of themselves and the people they lead because they understand people and performance and how to get the best out of their teams and the people they lead.  If you want to know how to deliver better, faster, easier, results with less stress, and waste in time, money and effort we can show you how.

If you want to become a confident, capable, highly effective leader who develops a reputation for delivering results give us a call

02 9003 0920
to discuss how we can tailor a solution to your sitaution



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The Optimal Effectiveness Framework, Defines, Explains and Teaches you How to Master The Professional Executive Skill Set